There are people who suggest that teaching is a good career because of its work-life balance. As the wife of a teacher, I'm wondering what that idealized work-life balance looks like. Teachers don't go into teaching because they want to...
On February 14, 2018, seventeen innocent children and teachers kissed their families goodbye and walked out the door for the very last time. Their lives were lost to gun violence, a trend that's far too common. It’s really hard...
    My children have never known a life without a washing machine and dryer in their home. A few years ago, I started teaching them how to do their own laundry - sort, settings, start, switch, dry, then fold and...
Whether it is the function of the political climate we are living in, the age of constant information flow that we are exposed to, or the effects of policies that touch our communities and affect the things we care...
Private parts. When even using the accurate terms for them is uncomfortable, what are we supposed to do as parents? I'm sure we've all read articles and seen studies, and I'm also sure that the vast majority of us...
We lay the clothes out the night before. Lunches are pre-packed, though admittedly, sometimes I fail at this. More than one alarm is set.   I shower at night to save time. I even pick out MY clothes the night before. But morning after morning,...
My teenage daughter has the habit of remaining holed up in her room much of the day and then throwing me a tough question around 10 pm when I am in no shape to answer. Last night was no...
“What if I fall? Oh, but my darling, what if you fly? - E.Hanson   A few weeks ago, my oldest daughter went back to school. This year she started 3rd grade. There was less hype around the first day, the...
When I tell people I homeschool my children, I am sure to field many burning questions, which I am more than happy to answer. But one of the most common comments I get is, "oh, I could never do...
If I'm being honest, when I first heard about the Summer of Prototyping at the Providence Children's Museum, my initial thought was "oh, that sounds too smart for me..."   As I looked into it, I learned that the...

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  As parents, we know that reading to our children is beneficial. Some of my favorite memories include reading to my children. We've compiled a...