This International Women’s Day, it feels easy to reflect on how far away we are from where we should be, especially as moms. The last two years of pandemic have taken their toll on gender equality with the burden...
It’s cold and wintery, but the temperature finally hit above 45 degrees and you are determined to get your kid to the park. You hope the outcome will be to get some much needed socialization for him, and yourself...
Alright everyone...Welcome to Part Three:Physical Intimacy! The one post you have been desiring to read after hearing about our series on intimacy after kids! Click on the titles to read the first in the series: Intimacy with Self and...
Welcome back to our series, Intimacy After Kids. In Part Two, we're talking about emotional intimacy. If you're new here, start with Part One: Intimacy with Self!
My husband and I are at a time within our relationship where physical...
When I was a kid, coming downstairs on Valentine’s Day morning was always exciting! Mom and Dad, as well as each sister, would put a valentine at our spots on the table, and there was always a small box...
The singer Robbie Williams recently said something about his wife in an interview, and it’s been floating around my head ever since:
“She’s like a Professional Memory Maker when it comes to the holidays.”
Initially I loved this! How sweet, he...
Dear Child-Free Friends,
I’m writing to let you know that motherhood can be pretty lonely, especially when your closest friends aren’t in the same boat as you. Just because I had a baby doesn’t mean the woman I was before...
Time changes many things. Over time, we move, we get new jobs, we get married, we have babies, we explore new ideas, new hobbies, we make new friends, we lose old ones, we learn, we grow, and we constantly...
When you’re struggling to get pregnant, it can be isolating, emotional, shameful, and just really hard. It’s almost impossible to prevent it from impacting every area of your life, especially work. In addition to the emotional toll that TTC...
My 5-year-old son talks a lot. A. Lot. My 2-year-old daughter seems to be following in his footsteps and is growing more and more talkative by the day (especially when she is supposed to be napping). I pretty much...