Parenting Wisdom

parent holding childs hand- parenting wisdom

Rhode Island Moms strives to share parenting wisdom throughout the stages of motherhood. Our team of local contributors, from a variety of backgrounds and family units, provide a plethora of experiences and advice for parenting in Rhode Island. Discover stories that capture the daily happenings, along with the ups and downs wen experience as mothers. We talk about the household and share how to lighten the mental load as busy moms. We offer some tips for “baby proofing” your relationship and surviving and thriving toddlerhood. We also tackle topics such as navigating the death of a pet and playdate safety to help parents navigate difficult conversations with their children.

Rhode Island Moms is more than just a source of advice and tips; it’s a nurturing community where moms can connect, share stories, and find common ground in the challenges of motherhood. We organize events, both online and face-to-face, creating spaces for mothers to forge significant connections including playdates and coffee gatherings.

Parenting in Rhode Island offers its own distinctive challenges and rewards. Whether you’re looking for parenting wisdom or guidance Rhode Island Moms is here to support you through your parenting journey.

Not flesh of my flesh, nor bone of my bone, but still miraculously my own. Never forget for a single minute, you didn't grow under my heart but in it.     - Fleur Conkling Heyliger This quote was a fixture of...
The Magic of Childhood Creating a magical childhood full of whimsy has always been one of my top parenting priorities. The Easter Bunny leaves eggs hidden around the house and has even left giant bunny paw prints on the floor....
On the inevitable day my kids ask about why they have the names they do, I have been working on a story (based on true events) to help them work through my issues and principled stances about their names....
  Right now. I know it's happening soon because all of my warning signs are present. My muscles are tight, my heart is beating faster than usual, and I am completely on edge. My head is - just -  loud. There...
I like to say that I’m 'not super organized.'  It sounds better than, 'I'm a whirlwind of disorder and chaos.'  I am a beautiful land-mermaid who paints with all the colors of the wind, but I cannot find my...
It's an important time of the year for parents whose children have special needs. It's the time of year when you might start to discover that your child is struggling in school. Or when you confirm your suspicions from...
I remember when I was a kid we used to have bomb drills in school.  We would have to go to the hallway and sit facing the wall, curled up with our heads touching our knees.  I am still...
Hey Momma, It's been been a crazy week. Take a deep breath. Maybe your anxiety is up or maybe you're just straight-up sick of hearing about the Coronavirus or maybe you fall somewhere in between. Either way, take a deep....
Parenting during COVID is 90% stress and 90% anxiety and 10% remembering everyone's face masks (yes, that math checks out). This time has brought out some of our strengths; maybe you were able to learn to bake something with...
Before I had kids I was a to-do list, task-oriented maniac.  I remember in college I would bust out a workout, study session, a paper, volunteer at the soup kitchen, and attend class all before noon.  I'm not kidding. ...

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10 of the Best Independent Bookstores in Rhode Island

  As parents, we know that reading to our children is beneficial. Some of my favorite memories include reading to my children. We've compiled a...