Before Covid-19 began infiltrating every aspect of our lives, I was just a normal working mom.  I found joy in spending as much quality time as possible with my toddler, and I also valued some good mom-time.  As a...
“We’re all homeschoolers now!” became the mantra of spring 2020 as many of us were forced to switch from traditional school to distance learning. But are homeschool and distance learning the same? What does homeschooling actually look like, how...
My husband and I bought a house which was really far too large for just 2 people at the time. We were ready to fill it up. Both of us were wanting to do foster care and we hadn't...
It was a personal and family crisis. It loomed ominously over my whole weekend. Yes. My husband had taken the car seats out of my car. Sure, he had a good “excuse.” At least to hear him say it. My son,...
Wolfenoot. Tis the season of the holiday that you’ve probably never heard of. That’s because it’s a made-up holiday, or it was a made-up holiday, until people started celebrating it. Unlike Christmas, Hanukkah, Thanksgiving, and all your more traditional...
Earlier this year the CDC unveiled new child development milestones guidelines which shocked people, myself included. As an Early Intervention professional, I have a lot of thoughts about these changes. But let's start at the beginning. What is a milestone and...
The Decision I am not a teacher. Distance learning at my house in Spring was a roller coaster. Some days we were having our own private circle time and making baking soda volcanoes and some days we straight up wasted...
My husband and I recently spent a weekend away with two other couples who have been long-time friends. We'd all been planning this couple's trip for months.  At one point, due to a job change, my husband and I...
Motherhood tricked me. My firstborn was easy; smart, developmentally ahead of the curve, loved to learn, and (almost) always listened. I thought it was me; that I was just such a great Mom to produce such a good kid, but spoiler...
School may not be in session, but our teachers are still teaching. It looks different than we expected, and it's harder than we thought. Don't let this week pass without letting your child's teachers know how grateful we are...

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10 of the Best Independent Bookstores in Rhode Island

  As parents, we know that reading to our children is beneficial. Some of my favorite memories include reading to my children. We've compiled a...