“We’re all homeschoolers now!” became the mantra of spring 2020 as many of us were forced to switch from traditional school to distance learning. But are homeschool and distance learning the same? What does homeschooling actually look like, how...
Look, Coronavirus sucks. I get it. I get it 1000%. On the extremely bad end, people are dying. On the extremely good end, we’re healthy but stuck at home trying to simultaneously work and homeschool our bored kids. We’re...
We know Leap Year happens every four years, but what is the purpose? We're breaking it down for you, and sharing 29 ways to celebrate Leap Day with kids! What & Why?  In simple terms, a Leap Year is when an...
Earlier this year the CDC unveiled new child development milestones guidelines which shocked people, myself included. As an Early Intervention professional, I have a lot of thoughts about these changes. But let's start at the beginning. What is a milestone and...

Role Reversal

Growing up we were lucky enough to play outside until the street lights came on, we didn't have a cell phone for our parents to call us, and if our parents wanted us to come home they'd either sit...
School may not be in session, but our teachers are still teaching. It looks different than we expected, and it's harder than we thought. Don't let this week pass without letting your child's teachers know how grateful we are...
  2020 could be summed up in three words: What. The. Heck? A global pandemic, statewide shutdowns, facemasks, hybrid schools, drive-by birthday parties....the list of things we never anticipated is long. My head has been a pandemic-laden brain-soup of uncertainty since...
The singer Robbie Williams recently said something about his wife in an interview, and it’s been floating around my head ever since: “She’s like a Professional Memory Maker when it comes to the holidays.” Initially I loved this! How sweet, he...
  Being stuck at home can be tough. Eventually, cabin fever comes for us all and while there's nothing wrong with throwing on a movie or parking your kiddo on the couch with the tablet, sometimes technology gets, well...boring. Whether...
Cuz 2020 mom guilt don’t stop! Is it just me, or does COVID and all the stuff that comes with it result in a ridiculously large amount of 'feeling bad' when you're a mom? Here are a few doubts that...

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Rhode Island Life

Family-Friendly Walks Throughout Rhode Island

Now that spring has officially arrived and warmer weather is (hopefully) on its way, it's the perfect time to get outside for a family...