Cuz 2020 mom guilt don’t stop! Is it just me, or does COVID and all the stuff that comes with it result in a ridiculously large amount of 'feeling bad' when you're a mom? Here are a few doubts that...
The singer Robbie Williams recently said something about his wife in an interview, and it’s been floating around my head ever since: “She’s like a Professional Memory Maker when it comes to the holidays.” Initially I loved this! How sweet, he...
The rainy weather might be a bummer, but we're in New England, and it's time to embrace spring! Keep an eye out for the sun playing peek-a-boo, and when it shows up, grab your rainboots and an umbrella (just...
It was a personal and family crisis. It loomed ominously over my whole weekend. Yes. My husband had taken the car seats out of my car. Sure, he had a good “excuse.” At least to hear him say it. My son,...
I’ll be the first to admit: my family’s eating habits are weird. I like cold pizza for breakfast, and my son eats his yogurt with a side of asparagus. Still, we find ways to maintain a well-balanced diet. Then quarantine hit....
The Decision I am not a teacher. Distance learning at my house in Spring was a roller coaster. Some days we were having our own private circle time and making baking soda volcanoes and some days we straight up wasted...
Spoiler alert: I’m not and I’m coming to terms with the fact that in times like these, it’s okay. The reality for most of us right now is that we’re all juggling a little too much. Almost overnight we went...
My husband and I recently spent a weekend away with two other couples who have been long-time friends. We'd all been planning this couple's trip for months.  At one point, due to a job change, my husband and I...
Wolfenoot. Tis the season of the holiday that you’ve probably never heard of. That’s because it’s a made-up holiday, or it was a made-up holiday, until people started celebrating it. Unlike Christmas, Hanukkah, Thanksgiving, and all your more traditional...
Photo credit: Patricia Prudente on Unsplash The bad news: Most of those fun in-person library events that I've come to rely on for my littles in the summer are canceled this year. The good news? They've mostly moved online, which...

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Rhode Island Life

Family-Friendly Walks Throughout Rhode Island

Now that spring has officially arrived and warmer weather is (hopefully) on its way, it's the perfect time to get outside for a family...