The other day my son had a febrile seizure. I had no idea what that was or what it meant for my sweet 3-year-old boy. All I knew was that a seizure was something I never wanted or expected...
  There I was in my midwife’s office, tears rolling down my face. No matter how much I tried, I couldn’t stop them from falling. “I’m not sad, just surprised.” She made a note in my file as I...

Winter Burnout Bingo

I was at the pediatrician. Again. It was the fourth time in a week and a half, and as I sat there trying to avoid reading the waiting room book about the dead dog, again. (Because nothing makes comforting a...
Hello. I am a 33-year-old female, working mother of two royal children and I want my life back. Before I became a mother, my mind, body, soul, time, food, money, car and sex life was mine, and I’m not...

The Last Baby

Photo credit: Ana Tablas via Unsplash As I slogged through my pregnancy with my third, and last, son, one phrase cheered me up over and over again: it's the last time! The last time stressing my way to the end...
When my daughter was born in 2014, I was a first-time mom, and so naïve. I planned to breastfeed her for the first year. After she was born and put on my chest, my husband cut her cord, and...
Can we talk about post-breastfeeding changes for a hot minute? I feel like weaning doesn't come up in conversation enough. Is the topic taboo? Maybe it is. Either way, I wish I knew what I know now before having...
It's hard to believe three weeks have passed since we hosted our first annual Bloom. As the PMB team has reflected on the event, we keep thinking about what we heard over and over again as guests filed out...
I truly do not that think I have ever cared about anything in my life as much as I care about being a good mother. Raising happy, healthy, well-adjusted children is so important to me that I can get a...
As I type this, I am nine months deep into my fourth pregnancy, so I have some experience with baby gear. Here's my tried and true list of must-have baby items that I wouldn't want to 'mom' without. Baby Sleep: Pack...

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Rhode Island Life

Family-Friendly Walks Throughout Rhode Island

Now that spring has officially arrived and warmer weather is (hopefully) on its way, it's the perfect time to get outside for a family...