This isn't your average breastfeeding complaint, and in some circles I understand that what I am about to say is basically sacrilegious. Regardless, here is the truth: I'm all set with breastfeeding. All. Set. I have been trying to wean my...
The baby was about to wake from a nap. I had just finished folding the third load of laundry of the day. There were too many clothes to fit in the hamper so I headed upstairs with my arms...
My pregnancy was an absolute breeze until my 28 week appointment when my OB stopped our typical chit-chat mid sentence with a puzzled look on his face and grabbed my chart. I knew instantly that something wasn’t right. The...

This Is 8

My precious first born, there's an elephant in the room.  I can sense it.  You can sense it.  But it's been hard to put our fingers on just what it is.  But, I think I've figured it out.  You're 8...
So we (and by we I mean I) decided it was time to start potty training. Did my pediatrician tell me it was time? No. Has my mother in law been telling me for the last 6 months that...
For adults and kids alike, meltdowns are tough. As adults, I feel like it's easy for us to get overwhelmed, apologize, and then repeat. The cycle continues. Why don't we just say, "I need a minute"? And then actually...
Why. Won't. You. Nap?! I just don't get it. The second I think I have any handle or control of naptime, he goes and switches it up on me. He follows a routine just long enough to lure me...
"Oh no, I really have to pee," I thought to myself as I strapped the baby into the Ergo carrier and headed into the gym.  My 2 and 4-year-olds were in tow and we started to cross the parking...
When I was in college, I lived at home and commuted back and forth to class.  I didn't have the "traditional" college experience.  I kept mainly to myself, and most semesters  I planned all of my classes in a...
You’ve been here for a month, my sweet baby girl. How has it gone by so fast. I look at your perfect little face and I wonder, am I holding you enough? I had to do the dishes, to...

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Family-Friendly Walks Throughout Rhode Island

Now that spring has officially arrived and warmer weather is (hopefully) on its way, it's the perfect time to get outside for a family...