It's 7AM on a Sunday morning. The girls come thudding down the stairs as I shuffle my way to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. Minutes later, before the Keurig is even "ready to brew" I hear,...
“Little boys should never be sent to bed early. They always wake up a day older.” -Peter Pan There’s a really good chance I’m writing this after a glass (or two) of wine. The struggle to sit and write this...
When my best friend called me to tell me that she was six weeks pregnant, I choked back tears and responded with three words: I am too. For years, we joked about getting pregnant together, but neither of us could...
Do you have a baby book for your child or children? I do! How many of those baby books are filled in? Mine actually is for her first year…but here’s the problem: it asks questions that lead to a...
I often love driving around or looking at Zillow and looking at houses. I always wonder what kind of stories would be told if the walls could talk. My grandparents bought a house on Cape Cod when my mom was in...
letter to my tween daughter Providence Moms Blog

Letter to My Tween Daughter

Dear Miss J, You may have noticed that I give you a lot of advice.  I feel it is my job to share my life experiences with you and help you make good and informed decisions.  As a realist, I...
My husband and I recently spent a weekend away with two other couples who have been long-time friends. We'd all been planning this couple's trip for months.  At one point, due to a job change, my husband and I...
  "But wouldn't you like a little girl?" During my second pregnancy, I was on the receiving end of this question a seemingly endless amount of times.  We had, once again, decided to be surprised in the delivery room.  My answer...
"You can't pour from an empty cup."  Have you heard that saying? Essentially it's a good reminder that we can not pour out what we don't have. We can't serve others or be productive or useful at all unless we...
Rachael Warren is a Rhode Island treasure. She has been a company member of Trinity Repertory Company since 2002 after dazzling Providence audiences with her debut performance as Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady. Since then she has embodied...

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Rhode Island Life

Family-Friendly Walks Throughout Rhode Island

Now that spring has officially arrived and warmer weather is (hopefully) on its way, it's the perfect time to get outside for a family...