Do you give yourself enough time for YOU? As a mom of teens, I get it. I have been there. Oh boy, have I been there. I can remember the sleepless nights, greasy hair and PJ pant-filled days with...
Summer is finally here, which means my family will be spending much more time outside. With so much of our time being spent outdoors, is there any time to read? Of course! Our family has found that these books...
Motown. A Capella. Byzantine Chant. Classic Rock. Nursery Rhymes. Any or all are playing or being sung at any given time in our house.  This is intentional and a point of pride. We love music and how it inspires movement...
Ok. So clearly a review of a scheduling tool isn’t the sexiest thing to write a blog post about, but stick with me here. CoSchedule is really a little bit of a miracle if you want blogging to be...
Are you fun? I used to be fun. Or at least in my mind I was fun. But since I have become a mother…no, allow me to correct that: since I have become a 40-something mother of teens, things have changed. I...
I want to be a minimalist, to cast off all my things, but when I stopped by Pier One there was a sale on napkin rings. I yearn to be that mom who has thrown out all her stuff, but...
Summer means a lot of things, but perfect ripe berries are one of our favorites! And nothing is better than taking the kids out to pick your own farms! We've rounded up the details on some local farms that offer pick...
Father’s Day is coming up soon. And, of course, the pressure is often on you to make the day special. But I beg you to grab a glass of wine and remind yourself to never underestimate the power of...
We are excited to introduce you to Kristina Berger, the first mom to be featured in our "Moms in the Arts" series. Kristina is a master dancer, dance professor, and mother to a very cute and vivacious three-year-old daughter....
It's Tuesday morning. I wake up to the usual fog horn-esque calls for "Maaaaammmmmaaaa" from my kids' rooms. As I slowly sit up in bed, I realize I couldn't open my left eye. It is crusted shut. "What the...?!" I...

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Rhode Island Life

10 of the Best Independent Bookstores in Rhode Island

  As parents, we know that reading to our children is beneficial. Some of my favorite memories include reading to my children. We've compiled a...