Get Moving! Trampoline Parks, Locations Vary The worst part of rainy days is when your kids have all of the pent-up energy and nowhere to spend it.  What better place to get them moving and grooving than at a trampoline park?...
  It's said that April showers bring May flowers and this May we have some things ready to BLOOM! This Sunday, May 5th, PMB is hosting Bloom; a great event for expecting moms and new moms. We'll have swag bags, great...
One November night when my oldest son was almost three and his younger brother was about six months old, I was solo parenting through bedtime. I had my baby on his changing table fresh from the bath and my...
“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover...
If I'm being honest, when I first heard about the Summer of Prototyping at the Providence Children's Museum, my initial thought was "oh, that sounds too smart for me..."   As I looked into it, I learned that the...
Spring is (finally) here, which means it is time to fill our calendars with all the fun Rhode Island spring happenings! Whether you're seeking family-friendly outings or solo adventures, this curated list is your compass to all the fun....
One word...sensory. I have learned the hard way that no matter how much time I put into researching educational activities, searching the Internet for arts and crafts to keep my kiddos entertained, nothing works as well as sensory activities.  Over...
I never listened to podcasts before I was a mom. Somehow I just never found time to during the alarming amount of free time I (in retrospect) had. But by the time my son was six months or so,...
Ever had an idea and a passion but weren't sure where to start? Lisa Gomes is an impressive example of what happens when you just go for it. A preschool teacher for over twenty years, Lisa started to get...
Everything in our children's world has changed in the blink of an eye. For my 2-year-old this meant no more zoo trips or Target runs. Needless to say, he was devastated. As a primarily stay at home mom and...

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Rhode Island Life

Family-Friendly Walks Throughout Rhode Island

Now that spring has officially arrived and warmer weather is (hopefully) on its way, it's the perfect time to get outside for a family...