Life In Rhode Island

Life in Rhode Island, Rhode Island Mom

Rhode Island, the charming coastal state , invites families with its mix of historic allure, scenic beauty, and welcoming environment. Families seeking a perfect balance of relaxation and excitement will discover Rhode Island to be an ideal place to live or getaway destination. Renowned for its stunning coastline, rich history, and picturesque towns, each with its unique charm and attractions, life in Rhode Island provides families with a laid-back lifestyle, a deep connection with nature, and a vibrant community spirit.

For families living or vacationing in Rhode Island, the state provides ample educational and community resources. The local schools are highly esteemed, and there are various programs and activities tailored to engage children and teenagers. From engaging events at public libraries to educational initiatives at nature centers, Rhode Island ensures that learning opportunities complement leisure activities.

Across the seasons, families in Rhode Island have a plethora of recreational options. During warmer months, activities like boating, fishing, and exploring the state’s numerous trails are popular. Rhode Island Mom has put together an ultimate guide to Summer Camps in Rhode Island and a Summer Bucket List for the whole family to enjoy. Even in colder seasons, Rhode Island Moms shares how the community remains active with our favorite outdoor activities in winter and the best sledding in Rhode Island. You can find out where to warm up indoors with our guide to where to find the best hot cocoa and indoor activities such as local play spaces, best places for hot chocolate, museum visits, and festive events that bring families together in a warm and festive atmosphere.

The sense of community in Rhode Island is vibrant, with local cuisine, fireworks and festivals held year-round, fostering connections among residents and visitors alike. Life in Rhode Island offers a blend of tranquility, community spirit, and natural beauty, making it a captivating place for families to create cherished memories together.

  As parents, we know that reading to our children is beneficial. Some of my favorite memories include reading to my children. We've compiled a list of 10 of the best independent bookstores in Rhode Island to check out with...
Are you stuck on what to get Mom for Mother's Day? Check out our Mother's Day gift guide for some gift ideas from local mom business owners. Whether she's into pampering products or personalized keepsakes, we've got something for...
Now that spring has officially arrived and warmer weather is (hopefully) on its way, it's the perfect time to get outside for a family walk. Pack a backpack with some lunch, snacks, and water, and check out these five...
Yes, that's right. Dating your kids in Rhode Island is a thing.  And Rhode Island offers several places that cater to kids of all ages. The idea of dating your kids may sound strange, outlandish, and counterintuitive to everything we...
The rainy weather might be a bummer, but we're in New England, and it's time to embrace spring! Keep an eye out for the sun playing peek-a-boo, and when it shows up, grab your rainboots and an umbrella (just...
Spring is (finally) here, which means it is time to fill our calendars with all the fun Rhode Island spring happenings! Whether you're seeking family-friendly outings or solo adventures, this curated list is your compass to all the fun....
Do you have children interested in nature? Spring is the perfect time to help them pique their curiosity, especially if you are looking for a more hands on approach in their education. Take a leap! Garner their excitement about...
Finding the right summer camp for your child can be a daunting task! We've created this comprehensive list of summer camps in Rhode Island to help you out! Moses Brown has offered rewarding and exciting camp programs for more than...
We know Leap Year happens every four years, but what is the purpose? We're breaking it down for you, and sharing 29 ways to celebrate Leap Day with kids! What & Why?  In simple terms, a Leap Year is when an...
As moms, it seems like we are always trying to find activities to keep our families busy during the cold months of winter in Rhode Island! We have a few ideas for you to add to your list! Shop an...

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Rhode Island Life

Hidden Gems: Farm Stands You Can’t Miss in Rhode Island

As a mom of two littles, we are always on the go! These local farm stands are hidden gems that make shopping with children...