It's an important time of the year for parents whose children have special needs. It's the time of year when you might start to discover that your child is struggling in school. Or when you confirm your suspicions from...
I was raised in the 50’s, and it was a glorious time to be a child. And maybe to be a mother. So, channeling my own late mother, here is a random list of her parenting tips from the...
My name is Lauren, and I am a super planner.  I love lists and have spreadsheets for everything (a running joke with my family and friends).  I plan everything- our family trips, Christmas shopping, weekly meals and everything in...
I'm a grandmother, but I don't give a lot of advice. Not much that I did with my own kids ever worked. But there is one area where I succeeded, picky eating.  I never food fights with my kids. I...
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall All the king’s horse and all the king’s men Couldn’t put Humpty together again Most of us are familiar with this old nursery rhyme, but I’m not sure if everyone knows...
A few sentences of a blog post written. A half folded pile of laundry (likely unfolded by helpful little hands by now). A dish and two spoons washed. The floor swept, but then someone cried and the pile was forgotten. Tiny toddler...
"She won't stop crying, I'm afraid she's going to make herself sick." It was the last swim class of the session and once again my one year old had been kicked out of child watch. She's a determined child, and she...
    Before I had kids, I was a perfect parent (duh). In my little fantasy world, my children were going to be super well behaved, and wonderful eaters and sleepers.  No picky eaters in my family!  Spoiler alert: they...
I was recently listening to a radio program in which a father asked his grown son why he hadn't told the parents about his long term struggles with depression. The son had difficulty answering the question; "I knew you...
Listen, let's be real, I'm not playing a game that I have no chance of winning. There's no such thing as a relaxing game night in our house. Participation trophies have no place on our shelves. One of my...

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Rhode Island Life

Family-Friendly Walks Throughout Rhode Island

Now that spring has officially arrived and warmer weather is (hopefully) on its way, it's the perfect time to get outside for a family...