You Might Be a Hockey Parent If….


boy playing ice hockey Providence Moms BlogBeing a sports parent is equal parts rewarding and exhausting.  There are practice times and game times and snacks to be packed and events to volunteer at.  But in just a couple of years of being a hockey mom, I’ve learned that being a hockey parent has a unique set of challenges.

So, you might be a hockey parent if…

….Your alarm is set earlier on the weekends than the weekdays.boy playing ice hockey Providence Moms Blog

…You have seriously contemplated buying and wearing a Snuggie to the rink.

…Three hours into your workday you realize you made the unfortunate choice of wearing a dress to work. On practice night.

…You have made a mental list of the coldest rinks and those with the best food (AND THE ONE THAT HAS A DUNKIN’ INSIDE…YES I AM YELLING).

…Dinner is takeout, reheated leftovers, or sandwiches on practice nights.

…You’re still contemplating the Snuggie.

…Somehow you’ve grown accustomed to that “locker room aroma.”  

…The 10 seconds it takes your kid to get up after a hard hit feels like an eternity.

…The fact that your kid comes off the ice dripping in sweat while you are still dreaming of a Snuggie is an irony not lost on you.

…You have argued with your player that yes, yes you do need to shower after practice and your game.  

…You’re kind of digging the cowbell parents and want one of your own.

…The first few sentences you exchange with fellow parents at 6am weekend practices mostly consist of grunts and grimaces, until the caffeine hits at least.

…You realize that Snuggies now come in a variety of colors and patterns.  

…You find yourself wondering how and when your kid started *insert skill here* so well.  

…Looking at your calendar, you realize it’s mostly filled with practice and game times, there is a whole lot of time for much else!

…You end long mornings/nights/days/weeks at the rink proud, not of the goals scored, but from watching your child put everything they have into a game or practice and display good sportsmanship.

(…Also, there is a Snuggie on your Christmas wish list now).


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Robin Barton
Robin is a working mother of two very precious, but very precocious sons ages 10 and 6. A lifelong Rhode Islander, she lives in the Providence area with her husband of 14+ years and boys. She is a Bryant University graduate (back in the day when it used to be called Bryant College) where she also received an MBA. In between refereeing her boys' impromptu wrestling matches, carting them between school and practice and handling occasional work issues outside business hours, Robin enjoys cooking/baking (but not the mess they create), 80s music, checking out family friendly events/destinations (pre-COVID that is), visiting new breweries and wineries with her hubby, buying new makeup and taking WAY too many photos (YOLO). She also considers herself an aficionado of naps. Robin believes that it is possible to find both motherhood and a career simultaneously rewarding, with the right support system....and an Amazon Prime account.