A grape cutter with my name on it had just appeared on my front porch. The amazon package from whence it came contained no note, no gift receipt, no indication whatsoever who had sent it. But I had my...
I hear from parents all the time who think we’re crazy. You see, we are a beach family. From Memorial Day until Labor Day, you can find us at the beach every weekend during the summer. There’s something about...
For adults and kids alike, meltdowns are tough. As adults, I feel like it's easy for us to get overwhelmed, apologize, and then repeat. The cycle continues. Why don't we just say, "I need a minute"? And then actually...
My son recently turned 2 years old, and like most moms, I’m feeling ALL the feelings.  These milestones, for me, always come with reflection on our time in the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit).  When my water broke at...
eve three Providence Moms Blog

The Eve of Three

  As parents, we're told how time will fly when we bring our babies home. It never seems real until you’re standing in the party aisle trying to find Paw Patrol plates for your baby's 3rd birthday. Soon my baby, possibly...
My kids are very dependent on their sleep and their naps are precious. When growing tired, they become increasingly whiny, impatient, and irritable.  My nearly 6 1/2 year old will still nap on the weekend when given the opportunity....
On the inevitable day my kids ask about why they have the names they do, I have been working on a story (based on true events) to help them work through my issues and principled stances about their names....
Top 5 Gift Ideas for Creative Kids  When your gift list is a mile long, it can be easy to click 'buy now' on this years hottest new holiday toys. But as a mom and an artist I know With...

Winter Burnout Bingo

I was at the pediatrician. Again. It was the fourth time in a week and a half, and as I sat there trying to avoid reading the waiting room book about the dead dog, again. (Because nothing makes comforting a...
As the mother of a 5-year-old, I am required to know which dinosaur is my favorite (it’s brachiosaurus, if you’re interested…I like the long neck). I can sing the PJ Masks theme song, but I prefer the Super Why theme...

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Rhode Island Life

Family-Friendly Walks Throughout Rhode Island

Now that spring has officially arrived and warmer weather is (hopefully) on its way, it's the perfect time to get outside for a family...