I've prepared for a baby three times now and each time has been so very different. For my first ever baby which was a foster baby, we received a phone call that she would be ready to go in just...
A year ago, I wrote an article about my first grand-daughter. I titled it “Princess Terror.” It was controversial. I can’t understand why. I began it like this: "They say there are people who just love babies. They are so sad...
Dear Mom of Tweens, I see you, and what’s more, I hear you. You keep muttering frightening things to me.  “Just wait,” you say, clearly unimpressed with my complaints about yet another night without sleep. “Enjoy them now," you beseech...
My daughter had her two month shots today. After having three children go through these, I can say with a fair degree of confidence that these shots are THE WORST. If you haven't gone through them yet, do yourself a favor and...
Many little things add up to one significant change in life — a bittersweet end to the baby and toddler years. I remember sitting and watching my kids when they were younger and thinking, "What will I do when...
I don’t remember how the meltdown started or why. Like all nightmares, they seem to have no beginning and feel like they will never end. I think it had something to do with the shopping cart. Wanting to be in...
If you're anything like me, a few months before your first child arrived, all the baby gear did too. It looked like Babies R Us (may they rest in peace) had stormed into my living room the day after...
When a couple is expecting a baby, they focus on preparing for the arrival. They take classes and register for the world’s cutest gear. Yet, couples often fail to "baby-proof" their relationship for the changes as they transition from...
Growing up it was my older sister, my parents, and me. My mom cooked and we ate, it was that simple. If she cooked something and we didn't like it we had two options; not eat or make something...
Well-meaning older relatives give us this advice. It's written on glossy pamphlets meant to help. Signs on the walls of the pediatrician's office compel us. It's definitely in the "don't shake the baby" video they make you watch at...

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Rhode Island Life

Family-Friendly Walks Throughout Rhode Island

Now that spring has officially arrived and warmer weather is (hopefully) on its way, it's the perfect time to get outside for a family...