"What are your hobbies?" Ugh. I hate that question. It just reminds me that for a long time, I didn't have any. Despite the articles emphasizing how important it is for moms to keep up with their hobbies and passions,...
I thought that being young was just who I was, like my brown hair and hazel eyes. After all, I was the girl who could ride her bike around corners with no hands. I could twirl around the uneven...
I remember when I was a kid we used to have bomb drills in school.  We would have to go to the hallway and sit facing the wall, curled up with our heads touching our knees.  I am still...
A long time ago, in a (not so) far away land, there was a young princess who lived a charmed existence. She was loved and celebrated, and the king and queen were always careful to assure her that she could be anything she...
Chances are that at one point over the past week, you have seen someone on your Facebook feed share an article about maternal death rates in the United States being the worst in the developed word. Read through one...
letter to my dog before having a baby Providence Moms Blog

A Letter to the Dog

Dear Dog, I often wish you could speak English. If only to tell you that the FedEx man on our doorstep does not intend to murder me. Also, the biscuit from that nice lady at the bank window likely isn’t...
So there I am looking out at a dinner table of 20, few of whom I know well and most whom I don't know at all. I am sitting at the head of the table because that was the only space...
I have a confession... I am addicted to my cell phone. It is with me always, I am constantly checking it, and I panic at the thought of forgetting it at home.  How did this happen? I did not grow up with a...
We are so excited to bring you the recap of the Providence Moms Blog launch party on April 29th! It was a gorgeous day in Providence, and we were so lucky we got to spend the afternoon at HOME imagined, a...
I dreamed that my mother was talking to me. She wasn't saying  anything of consequence. I think she was recommending some type of  insurance. This wasn't unusual. My mother was an intensely practical  person. She was impatient with talk...

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Rhode Island Life

Family-Friendly Walks Throughout Rhode Island

Now that spring has officially arrived and warmer weather is (hopefully) on its way, it's the perfect time to get outside for a family...