What? A 13-hour road trip with a 3-year-old, 2-year-old and 2-month-old!? No! I thought to myself as we booked a much-needed family trip that would take us on an adventure in our car. The trip went better than planned (minus...
“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover...
♪♫ Its the final countdown ♪♫ Friends; we did it! The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter, the end of the school year is upon us.  The schedules are easing up a bit; other than the...
I never listened to podcasts before I was a mom. Somehow I just never found time to during the alarming amount of free time I (in retrospect) had. But by the time my son was six months or so,...
Rain couldn’t keep us away from the much-anticipated Faces of the Rainforest, the brand new exhibit at Roger Williams Park Zoo. While the weather was dreary the exhibit was anything but. Walking up the building is incredibly impressive.  The...
“You can’t be what you can’t see. SWENext DesignLab shows girls that they can change the world with engineering” ~ Randy Freedman, Director of Student Programs at SWE An exciting engineering event for middle schoolers is coming to Providence! SWENext...
Many of us born and bred Rhode Islanders have fond memories of Rocky Point Amusement Park. Since its closure, I've yet to find a park that has matched its unique combination of fun, excitement, and charm. That is until...
As moms, it seems like we are always trying to find activities to keep our families busy during the cold months of winter in Rhode Island! We have a few ideas for you to add to your list! Shop an...
  We are one of those families where things tend to catch and stick - mispronunciations, punny references, song lyrics substituted for phrases and directions - and become part of our family lexicon FOREVER. Those buzzing yellow and black insects?...
I hear from parents all the time who think we’re crazy. You see, we are a beach family. From Memorial Day until Labor Day, you can find us at the beach every weekend during the summer. There’s something about...

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Rhode Island Life

Support Local Moms: Rhode Island Mother’s Day Gift Guide

Are you stuck on what to get Mom for Mother's Day? Check out our Mother's Day gift guide for some gift ideas from local...