I have a confession... I am addicted to my cell phone. It is with me always, I am constantly checking it, and I panic at the thought of forgetting it at home.  How did this happen? I did not grow up with a...
Appreciate what you already have. How many times a day do I say this to my children? Many. How many times do I say it to myself? Not enough. Here's the deal: my house is small. Too small. Everyone-asks-us-when-we’re-going-to-move, small. We...
  "Sorry, Mommy!" These words slip so effortlessly from my tiny two year old's mouth, but every time I hear them, I cringe. Now, do not panic: I understand that I need to teach my daughter right from wrong, to...
  Sometimes on parenting blogs, as we write about the triumphs and tribulations of motherhood, we overlook the basic, yet quintessential role that mothers have in the lives of their children: to provide them with the basic necessities for their...
Time. One of the biggest regrets around the death of a loved one is lack of time. We don't feel like we had enough time to say goodbye. We don't feel like they had enough time on this earth,...
My daughter had her two month shots today. After having three children go through these, I can say with a fair degree of confidence that these shots are THE WORST. If you haven't gone through them yet, do yourself a favor and...
When I was in college, a professor commented that she could tell when it was spring because all of us walked around like moles who were exposed to sunlight for the first time in months. I think about this...
I have three children, ages 37, 35, and 31. So here is a list of all my successful child-rearing strategies.       (Wait, am I really supposed to write 420 more words for this article?) At work, when younger mothers...
"Understanding is a two-way street" -Eleanor Roosevelt Motherhood is amazing, isn't it? You are blessed with these little people and it's your job to raise them. You do your best to teach them right from wrong, give them a safe...
In preparation for the arrival of our first child, my husband and I recently took inventory. Not of car seats or onesies but of our own, less desirable personality traits. What characteristics of ours would our darling offspring be...

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Support Local Moms: Rhode Island Mother’s Day Gift Guide

Are you stuck on what to get Mom for Mother's Day? Check out our Mother's Day gift guide for some gift ideas from local...