Dad, there's a countless list of things you taught me, and continue to teach me.  From showing me how to color inside the lines, how to use a power drill, how to ride a bike and how to...
I hated Valentine's Day for a long time.  As a jaded teenager, I dreaded the day that reminded me I had no admirers. My school did a fund-raiser every year where for $1 you could send a carnation to anyone...
Not all heroes wear capes. Some heroes are just ordinary dudes who start falling for a girl who has a kid and decides that it isn’t a deal-breaker. Some are just guys who respect boundaries, who accept automatically being...
“You talk to her more than I talk to anyone…ever,” my husband exclaims as he hears another message pop up on my phone. He’s not exactly wrong. We chat throughout the day and into the night. Funny tidbits, venting about...
Last year around this time I planned to write an anonymous post about how to handle difficult relatives. In particular, I was thinking of a in-law--let’s call him Brad--who is a mostly functional alcoholic with an anger problem. I...
What? A national holiday to celebrate a grandparent? Is this another commercialized marketing scheme? I sure was skeptical at first until I dug deeper. Then I realized: this is truly an important day and a nationalized holiday. Digging Into History A...
    Dear Husband, I love you, more than I can ever say.  Twenty-one plus years into our relationship, and 13+ years into our marriage I can safely say that there is no one who knows me as well as you. ...
Hey There, Grandma, Grandpa, Nana, Papa, Meme, Pepe - we see you.   We know this was not your plan. Never did you dream you would be raising your grandchildren, but here you are. You have traded spoiling and adventures with...

She Shows Up

Time changes many things.  Over time, we move, we get new jobs, we get married, we have babies, we explore new ideas, new hobbies, we make new friends, we lose old ones, we learn, we grow, and we constantly...
When a couple is expecting a baby, they focus on preparing for the arrival. They take classes and register for the world’s cutest gear. Yet, couples often fail to "baby-proof" their relationship for the changes as they transition from...

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Rhode Island Life

Family-Friendly Walks Throughout Rhode Island

Now that spring has officially arrived and warmer weather is (hopefully) on its way, it's the perfect time to get outside for a family...