The rainy weather might be a bummer, but we're in New England, and it's time to embrace spring! Keep an eye out for the sun playing peek-a-boo, and when it shows up, grab your rainboots and an umbrella (just...
I love books. I was a book worm from the beginning. I think I started reading by the age of four and reading books fills most of my earliest memories. I have absolute favorites- If you are a book...
I don't know about you all, but when spring hits, so does new inspiration. I transform from a person in hibernation to someone new, energetic and inspired. With that comes a burst of creative energy and if I'm not...
This post is brought to you in collaboration with the sponsors listed within. We are grateful for their continued support in helping us bring valuable resources such as this guide to our readers.  Fall sports are winding down and "go...
It's another pandemic winter and we're stuck at home again for what has seemed like an eternity. If you're like me, by now you've made all the cookies, played all the board games, read all the books and watched...
As January rolls around, what are the defaults most of us have on the weekends? Find new movies on Netflix? A baking project? More arts and crafts than we could ever display in our homes? What seems to go...
It’s been another long New England winter, and we’re just as eager as you are to shake off the chill of winter and dive headfirst into springtime.  So we’ve pulled together a list of some of our favorite things...

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Rhode Island Life

Family-Friendly Walks Throughout Rhode Island

Now that spring has officially arrived and warmer weather is (hopefully) on its way, it's the perfect time to get outside for a family...