If you're anything like me, you spent the whole summer seeing signs for HasCon and wondering what the heck it was all about. Having never been to a convention myself, they conjured images of costumed adults waiting for hours...
Ever wanted to hop aboard Air Force One and see what all the fuss is about? Well, for the next seven weeks you can do just that with The Air Force One Experience, an educational exhibit temporarily on display...
“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover...
I wasn't sure what to expect from Leapfest in all honesty. To quote their website, "Leapfest is the largest, longest standing, international static line parachute training event and competition." So, it is a day of watching people jump out...
Music has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. As a child I was always singing, dancing, and performing for anyone who would give me an ear. It's amazing how music awakens the...
School is out. And you know what that means. I’ll give you a hint. “Mom, I’m bored.” The moment one of your kids even hints those words, you cringe a little. “You’re bored? You just rode bikes with your friends and swam...
One word...sensory. I have learned the hard way that no matter how much time I put into researching educational activities, searching the Internet for arts and crafts to keep my kiddos entertained, nothing works as well as sensory activities.  Over...
Summer means a lot of things, but perfect ripe berries are one of our favorites! And nothing is better than taking the kids out to pick your own farms! We've rounded up the details on some local farms that offer pick...
Summertime - warm weather, longer days, and the familiar cries of "Mom, Dad!  We're bored!!"  With that battle cry, parents everywhere shake their heads in disbelief that their kids can't find anything to do with their 832 million toys.  But,...
Summer Festivals/Events Looking for a big event to take your children to this summer?  Do you want to check out a parade or head to an arts fair? We are lucky to have some great festivals in Rhode Island. From...

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Support Local Moms: Rhode Island Mother’s Day Gift Guide

Are you stuck on what to get Mom for Mother's Day? Check out our Mother's Day gift guide for some gift ideas from local...