2018 Providence Moms Blog Reader Survey and a $50 Target Giveaway


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We want to hear from you! Our goal at Providence Moms Blog is encouraging community among parents in Rhode Island and beyond. We take your feedback seriously and use it to bring you more of what you love. Tell us about yourself, your family, and your favorite things about Providence Moms Blog!If you choose, enter your email for a chance to win a $50 gift card to Target (who couldn’t use $50 to Target right before Christmas?!)

Reader Survey

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  • General Information

  • After you complete the Survey, you'll be directed to enter your email to Enter the $50 Target Gift Card Giveaway, or you can enter it here!

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Brooke Rainville
Brooke has spent most of her life in Rhode Island, having grown up in Foster, and moving back to RI after high school in Foxboro, MA. Since becoming a foster parent in 2005, she has cared for 8 children with special needs. The first child placed in her home is now 22, and continues to both brighten and challenge her days. She is stepmom to two young children, who brighten and challenge her days in totally different ways. Brooke has worked with people with special needs for 17 years and currently works as a case manager for children with autism at a non-profit in Southeastern MA. She feels strongly that raising tiny, adorable beings up into functioning, kind, emotionally stable adults is hard, and we all, as mothers, aunts, stepmothers, foster mothers, friends, and grandmothers, have a role in making that easier for each other. Every child (and adult for that matter) we come into contact with will either be better or worse off for the experience, and we should take that seriously, while extending grace to those along with us on this journey. Brooke is passionate about serving others (although she sometimes struggles to do so cheerfully) and advocating for those who can not advocate for themselves. She loves Jesus, a well made gin and tonic, home renovation, and overlooking the dog hair on her floors.